Friday, September 4, 2009

so TRUE!!

Inspiration words:
Great word comes from great man... SALUTE!!
...and follow. =3
Another that I'm still hold on to this day:

"Great Minds talks about Ideas... Mediocre Minds talks about events, scenarios... Low-class Minds talks about People..."



Hello. said...

Low-class Minds talks about People.
ayt plg pedas.
OK, aku akan stop mengumpat. wahahahahaa. . .

FaFaFa said...

pffft. evryone does that oke. renung2kan. . .

zulbino said...

nazima:wahahaa so lets talk about ideasssss all day longggg... (sahih korang boring nyer) ahaks!

fa: :)))))) not everyone oke. tfftt... =_='

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